Sunday 20 July 2008

Under the Raven's Banner

Under the Raven's Banner
before the Black Crows come
The shield wall stands immobile
and a grey mist flits the sun

Under the Raven's Banner
The Norseman stand afirm
and grim faced Northern warriors
gaze down at the coming swarm

Under the Raven's Banner
the slow chant then begins
and swords slap hard on firm held shields
As the Saxon fyrd draws in

Then from under the Raven's Banner
the shields are held up high
as a wind of rushing arrows
darkens a darkling sky

Under the Raven's Banner
sword arms sweep down on helms
and a line of Saxon warriors
presses in, then overwhelms

Fallen the Raven's Banner
Fallen the kindred of Thor
The Saxon banner flies aloft
and the Norsemen come no more

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